Why people don’t act for Dharma?

Shivam Rawat
6 min readJul 25, 2020

Since time immemorial history has been witness that the world was unfair to us. Thousand years of invasion by invaders from various nations across the world. Looting us shamelessly, raping our women, slaughtering our children and men was something which everyone is aware of.

Although we may say that India got freedom on 15th August 1947 and we do celebrate it as Independence Day. But if you sit back and ponder upon do you really think we are free?

Although our freedom fighters, many of them at a very young age sacrificed their life for the sake of this country but are we doing justice for their souls? Still, our thoughts have been conquered by western imperialism.

Our acts demand acceptance and validation from the society. Why?

This freedom is being threatened in many ways today, although there are those who either refuse to admit it, refuse to see it, or are hesitant to work together to save it. This blindness and hesitancy must be overcome.- Stephen knapp

Although whatever amount of freedom we enjoy today is because of the sweat and blood of our ancestors. Every peaceful nap we take today is because someone signed up for death for the sake of Dharma.

The concept of individuality is very much prevalent in Hindus today. People often don't feel the urgency to act for dharma. Why it is so much prevalent in our community? Why such inaction?

Let us go through some of the reasons:-

  1. Fear of rejection from society- As discussed earlier western imperialism has made many of us slaves so we often seek validation and acceptance from society. Take for example- If you need to raise voice against a certain anti-Hindu propaganda one would apply all sorts of Permutation and combination in order to check that it goes well among the social circle. Overthinking stops us to act which finally results in inaction and finally resorting to suffocation from the inside and surrender to the evil narrative.
  2. Ignorance of other people’s ideology- Many of us are in the illusion that everything is merry around and if our ideology speaks of brotherhood and peace than everyone’s will. That is not the case with many ideologies existing in the world.

Do Hindus know what is preached in the innumerable churches and mosques across India? Hindu gods are called devils by Christian missionaries. Yet Hindus neither defend their gods nor challenge the Abrahamic dogmas in spite of having a solid philosophical basis for their beliefs, which is lacking in Christianity and Islam.- Maria wirth

For example, look at this verse from Quran- Those, who do not accept Islam during their lifetime, will be thrown into eternal hellfire where “boiling water will be poured over their heads that not only melts their skin but also the inner parts of their bellies…” (Q22.19–22).

Video of a kid from Pak warning Hindus

Do you find any message of universal brotherhood and peace in the above verse? And this is just a single verse. There are plenty of them calling for death for disbelievers.

Pseudo-secularism- Thanks to our modern education system which teaches you to respect all excluding your own. To find fault in one’s own religion is seen as a sign of progressive mentality. And if you are blind to evils of other’s faith practices then you r a champion for society.

Pseudo-non-violence- Biggest lie in the history of our country that we got freedom by an act of non-violence. We often have that misconception that inaction will lead us to glorious days. Vedic culture has been attacked for the last 1200 years. And it was the heroes of India, and the millions of average everyday people of India, Hindus, who gave their lives and underwent severe torture that kept Vedic Dharma alive for future generations, and for the freedoms that we have today that allow us to continue these traditions.

Young Bhagat Singh in jail

India did not get independence from British on the strength of a non-violent movement alone as contributions and sacrifices of revolutionaries made over a long period of time were equally important-Sumitra Mahajan(Former Lok Sabha Speaker)

Personal welfare the only welfare- There is no denying of the fact that person welfare is a necessity but is it justified to dedicate whole life for it.

Do the people of other faiths who are doing mass conversions and propagating their religion do not think of their personal faith?

As discussed earlier are we caught in the concept of individuality?

That let me practice spirituality for my own moksha and let the world go to hell. Why should I bother? And also, if my family has got a good house, good job, good status, and if my family women are safe, then why bother about the safety of other women in some other areas of the country.

Do we really think we will be safe forever with this approach? Imagine Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj or Shaheed Bhagat Singh would have thought that? Would we be having all the fun if it had not been for these warriors who sacrificed their personal welfare for the sake of a larger picture?

Act for Dharma now or never- How can one act for the sake of Dharma

  1. Education&propogation of Dharma- Reach out to as many people you can. Educate them about dharma and glories of Vedic culture. All Dharmic people must be educated in their own culture, philosophy, and tradition to understand it clearly, and know how to explain it to their children and others. Unless or until misconceptions about our Vedic dharma are not addressed we cannot expect people to act for the sake of Dharma. How can one fight for something for which they don't value of?
  2. Participating in voting- In a democratic country, this is one of the best privilege we have as a citizen. Vote for those who are in favor of dharma. We are the majority in this country and our voice should be heard. A politician should be bound to appease us in order to win elections.
  3. Entering into politics- Dharmic people should enter into politics and make way for the propagation of Dharma. Sometimes dharmic people shy away from joining politics in order to stay clean. What is the use of that clean image if cannot be used for the sake of Dharma. Ex- More leaders like Yogi Aditynath should come on the field.
  4. Serving the underprivileged Hindus- If you are situated in a better position than your fellow Hindu brother then help him come out of the misery. An empty stomach would not see whether it is a hand of an asura or a divine who is helping him. Missionaries often approach the underprivilege Hindus and lure them with food and money. If we don't approach them then someone else will.
  5. Immediate outrage or lawsuit against adharmis- If we are not vocal enough in fighting anti-narratives then don't expect the world to not bother you. Let people feel the repercussion of taking us on. Let them feel the brunt!

We must act like Arjuna did after having received the instructions of Lord Krishna to stand and fight for Dharma rather than going off into the forest to get away from everything and meditate, as if that would solve his dislike to do battle against those who had chosen the side of adharma.-Stephen Knapp

If we want to see Vedic Dharma as the tradition of the majority population in India in another 100 years and don't want it to become a thing of the past, like a museum piece then we need to be active in the service of Dharma.

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Shivam Rawat

Founder Pen of Dharma|I am a voice of dharma trying to present a logical & systematic understanding of Hinduism by answering doubts and misconceptions.